Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1o steps to De-clutter your life!

wellness Wednesday
With the weather changing, do you find yourself spending more time in-doors? Why not take this opportunity to “de-clutter” all the junk that accumulates in our cars, closets, kitchen tables, bulletin boards, or desks! Here are just some of the benefits of de-cluttering your home: more space, less stress, a sense of helping others, saving time, and saving money.  

Having everything in its place and organized allows you to concentrate more on your family, friends, hobbies and work. Some people really thrive on being “cluttered” but it would drive me crazy. I am a big believer in clearing out clutter in order to manage my life.
Here are 10 ideas for de-cluttering those problem areas:

1.     1.  Start small. If you have trouble because you are overwhelmed with the amount of “stuff” in your home, try doing just 10 minutes a day of purging. This is the system I have suggested ; spend a few minutes each day just doing a single pile or filling up 1 trash bag and taking it downstairs. It makes the process way more manageable and less scary.

       Purge twice a year – Make it a point to spend a day or two twice a year doing nothing but purging. Normally I end up doing this myself, but it would go faster if my family wanted to play along. But then again, I am the one with the need to de-clutter!
3.      Prioritize “Essential Items” and “Wants.”  Don’t let clutter inside in the first place by saying “no” to swag bags and free item giveaways, and refrain from purchasing “knickknacks” that just take up space and get broken later.

4.      Junk in the Trunk. Every time you leave your car, look around to see if there is any trash that needs to be thrown away, and don’t forget about clearing out the trunk!

5.      When you buy a product, buy a multi-function version. A coffee maker that both grinds the beans and makes the coffee. A remote control that runs your TV and your stereo. A blender that is also a food processor. By combining these type of goods, you can reduce the amount of “stuff” you have to find a place for.

6.      Clothing:  Ask yourself these questions.  Does it fit anymore?  Have you worn it in the past year?  Is it in style?  Is it comfortable/flattering?  Can you actually see yourself wearing this anywhere?  If the answer is “no” to any of these questions, throw the item(s) into a box for donation.

7.      Reduce “Recreational Shopping.”  Regardless of our best intentions, we will typically purchase something we didn’t intend when we partake in “retail therapy.”  Instead, shop with a list of your needs, and refrain from any deviation...regardless of how good the “50% Off Sale” signs look.

8.      Unsubscribe from magazines, catalogs, etc. Utilize your local library: for magazines, newspapers, and books.  Switch to reading newspapers online and receiving paperless bills/bank statements via email.

9.       Recycle/Donate old electronic devices and their chargers. Try to sell it on Craigslist, Ebay or Amazon.

10.  Use the Clutter Emergency Card. When you’re having difficulty deciding what to get rid of, ask yourself the questions on the Clutter Emergency Card.
 Clutter Emergency Card
How long has it been since I used this?
Do I like it?
Does it work properly? - Is it broken?
Do I have more of this kind of thing? How many do I need?
If I keep this, what will I get rid of to make room for it?
Can I locate this information somewhere else (probably on the Internet) if I need it?

"The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are."
Mother Teresa

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Feeling Fatigue or Tired?

Wellness Wednesday~
October 24, 2012

I often find myself feeling tired or overwhelmed at the end of the day and have to push myself to get the gym. After a good workout I feel revived and more alert because I got the blood pumping. The following are a few tips to shake off the fatigue or tiredness:

Fatigue symptoms - 
  • You do not feel fresh after waking up in the morning, though you had a good night sleep.
  • You feel your stomach heavy all the time.
  • Either you eat more or eat less; there is no balance in hunger.
In such cases, correcting the digestive system is the right approach to cure fatigue.
Lack of physical fitness-
·         Fitness is very important nowadays. By fitness I do not mean being slim or lean, without fat deposits.  Fitness is the ability of the body to sustain hard work.
Lasting illness-
·         Chronic illness or disease is one of the major causes.
·         If you are suffering disease for a long time, then it is better to consult doctor for a supplement to take care of overall body nourishment. This will cure fatigue and tiredness.
Mental fatigue-
·         Lethargy, taking it easy, no mood for hard work, will train the mind and the body to feel tiredness, though you actually are not tired.
·         Having a disciplined lifestyle, with good work / rest balance is crucial to be competitive in this world, and to have a robust health.
·         It is related with mental and physical fatigue. Physical stress due to accumulation of free radicals affecting the organs. Mental stress can be handled with stress relief techniques.
Excess alcohol & smoking –
·         One of the obvious reasons for feeling tired and burnt out all the time and you already know the solution. Drink less and quite smoking. 
Remember, keep things in moderation and you will start seeing results. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Breast Cancer: Facts VS Myths

Wellness Wednesday, October 17, 2012

MYTH: Family history of breast cancer means you will develop breast cancer too.
TRUTH: According to the Cancer Center of University of Michigan, 80 to 85 percent of women with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. That being said, it is important to get a yearly mammogram, regardless of family history.
MYTH: There is nothing you can do to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer.
TRUTH: All women can take steps to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer, including regular screenings and a healthy diet. See the EARLY DETECTION PLAN below.
MYTH: If you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, you’re going to die.
TRUTH: When caught early, up to 98 percent of women survive at least five years, according to the University of Michigan Cancer Center. Advancements in treatments have increased the survival rate to 10 years for 85 to 90 percent of women.
MYTH: A lump in your breast means you have breast cancer.
TRUTH: Only a small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancer, according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. However, it is important not to ignore any persistent lumps or changes in breast tissue. Sometimes women stay away from medical care because they fear what they might find. Take charge of your health and schedule regular clinical exams.
MYTH: Only women can get breast cancer.
TRUTH: Because men also have breast tissue, they are at risk for developing breast cancer. While breast cancer is rare in men, it does happen and men should also give themselves regular breast self-exams and note any changes to their physicians.
MYTH: Mammography will detect lumps so I don’t need to do self-exams.
TRUTH: Mammography will detect, on average, about 80 to 90 percent of breast cancers in women without symptoms, according to the American Cancer Society. Women should perform routine breast self-exams in addition to getting annual clinical breast exams. Most experts agree that mammography saves lives and recommend annual mammography starting at age 40.
MYTH: Breast cancer only occurs in older women.
TRUTH: Breast cancer does not discriminate based on age. While the disease is more common in post-menopausal women, 25 percent of women with breast cancer are younger than 50, according to University of Michigan Cancer Center.
 Even with all of the information available regarding breast cancer, there are still misconceptions and fears among women. The national Breast Cancer Foundation suggests having an early detection plan which includes: All ages: Maintaining a healthy weight, follow a low-fat diet, getting regular exercise, quitting smoking, and reduce alcohol consumption. Beginning at age 20: Performing breast self exams and looking for any signs of change. Age 20-30: Schedule clinical breast exams every three years.  Age 40: Having a baseline mammogram and annual clinical breast exam.  Age 40-49: have a mammogram every one to two years depending on previous findings. Ages 50 and older: Having a mammogram every year.