Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ways to Deal with Stress

Stress manifests itself in our daily lives, whether we like it or not.  Do you feel stressed?  Perhaps you've experienced one of the symptoms of stress listed on the graphic here.  If so, don't worry; you're in good company.

Everyone deals with stress in his or her daily life, so here are 4 ways you can manage it!

1.  Positive Self-Talk
We all talk to ourselves; sometimes we talk out loud but usually we keep self-talk in our heads. Self-talk can be positive ("I can do this." "Things will work out.") or negative ("I'll never get well." "I'm so stupid.").  Negative self-talk increases stress, whereas positive self-talk helps you calm down and control stress. With practice, you can learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

2.  Emergency Stress Stoppers
Stress is all around us — at work, at home, on the road, and in public places. Stress is often caused by poor communication, too much work, and simple hassles like standing in line. Emergency stress stoppers help you deal with stress on the spot.  Use the list below to check off some emergency stress stoppers that might help you. Remember that you may need different stress stoppers for different situations.

  • Count to 10 before you speak.
  • Take 3 to 5 deep breaths.
  • Walk away from the stressful situation, and say you will handle it later.
  • Go for a short (2-minute) walk.
  • Do not be afraid to say, "I'm sorry," if you make a mistake.
  • Set your watch 5 to 10 minutes ahead to avoid the stress of being late.
  • Break down big problems into smaller parts. For example, answer one letter or phone call per day, instead of dealing with everything at once.
  • Drive in the slow lane (but not too slow), to help you stay calm while driving.
  • Smell a rose, hug a child, pet or friend, or smile at your neighbor

3. Finding Pleasure
When stress makes you feel bad, do something that makes you feel good! Doing things you enjoy is a natural way to fight off stress.  What do you like doing?  Some people like to watch wildlife, garden, play or listen to music, cook, exercise, or relax outdoors.

You don't have to do a lot to find pleasure. Even if you are ill or feeling down, you can find pleasure in simple things such as going for a drive, chatting with a friend or reading a good book.  Try to do at least one thing every day that you enjoy, even if you only do it for 15 minutes.

4.  Daily Relaxation
Breathing deeply is a simple way to reduce stress.  Try this deep breathing exercise the next time you need a moment to relax:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your feet on the floor and your hands in your lap, or lie down. 
  • Close your eyes, and picture yourself in a peaceful place. Perhaps you are lying on the beach, walking in the mountains, or floating in the clouds. Hold this scene in your mind.
  • Inhale and exhale. Focus on breathing slowly and deeply.
  • Continue to breathe slowly for about 10 minutes or more.

Try to take at least 5 to 10 minutes every day for deep breathing, or another form of relaxation.

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