Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pets and Your Health

January 11, 2012

Animals have always been a large part of my life growing up and are still today.  From one pet lover to another, I like to share with you how pets can bring you health benefits in many different ways.   Did you know that Midland Life Insurance Company of Columbus Ohio asks clients over the age of 75 if they have a pet as part of their medical screening, often tipping the scales in their favor?
According to the CDC, here are a few ways pets can affect your health:
They can decrease:
*blood pressure
*cholesterol levels
*triglyceride levels
*feelings of loneliness
Pets can increase:
*opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities
*opportunities for socialization
Pets can also boost your immunity and lessen anxiety!  James E. Gern says, “Dogs are dirty animals, and this suggests that babies who have greater exposure to dirt and allergens have a stronger immune system.”  Gern also did a study, analyzing the blood of babies immediately after birth and then one year later.  The study showed that if a dog lived in the home, infants were less likely to show evidence of pet allergies.
If you don’t have a pet, volunteer some time at the local Animal Rescue Center and get healthier!!

For more healthy tips, contact Nancy @ my.healthiswealth@comcast.net or visit: http://dcwellnesswednesday.blogspot.com/

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