Spring is coming, and with it that innate sense of needing to “de-clutter” all the junk that accumulates in our cars, closets, kitchen tables, bulletin boards, or desks. Many people feel happier and less stressful when living and working in a less cluttered space. Some of the benefits of de-cluttering your home include: more space, less stress, a sense of helping others, saving time, and saving money.
Here are some ideas for de-cluttering those problem areas:
- Prioritize “Essential Items” and “Wants.” Don’t let clutter inside in the first place by saying “no” to swag bags and free item giveaways, and refrain from purchasing “knickknacks” that just take up space and get broken later.
- Pretend that you’re moving to a smaller home. What items would you keep? This is a good practice to keep in mind which items are “essentials” and which items you could live without.
- Clothing: Ask yourself these questions. Does it fit anymore? Have you worn it in the past year? Is it in style? Is it comfortable/flattering? Can you actually see yourself wearing this anywhere? If the answer is “no” to any of these questions, throw the item(s) into a box for donation, a yard sale, or eBay.
- Utilize the “One-In/One-Out” Rule. For every non-food item you purchase, remove a similar item before it goes into the closet/pantry.
- Reduce “Recreational Shopping.” Regardless of our best intentions, we will typically purchase something we didn’t intend when we partake in “retail therapy.” Instead, shop with a list of your needs, and refrain from any deviation...regardless of how good the “50% Off Sale” signs look.
- Utilize your local library for magazines, newspapers, and books. Switch to reading newspapers online and receiving paperless bills/bank statements via email.
- Recycle/Donate old electronic devices and their chargers.
- Opt-out of Junk Mail/Phone Book Delivery.
- Every time you fill up the car, utilize the down time to throw away any junk within reach.
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